- komitite.bg
Комитите - Нашенския форум - За всички нашенци пръснати по света. - bencleveland.ca
Mayor, Town of Digby, Nova Scotia, Canada - www.rumblingsfromtheright.com
Rumblings from the Right is a small grass-roots podcast/media movement to educate people about the US Constitution, American history, and how they apply to the current political landscape in modern America - fitnessgeared.com
FitnessGeared is a fitness training nutritional supplement bodybuding discussional forum - currentevents.istillgottheblues.com
Current Events-World Events-Up to date events-Breaking News - recovering-republican.com
Progressive political blog. - www.thenigeriastandard.com
The Nigeria Standard Newspaper, is a newspaper publishing, and commercial printing outfit. - www.yusoufbah.com
This is a geopolical website, commenting about how western foreign policies affect Africa with emphasis on Sierra leone. - www.alexfink.net
Software Development, Game Theory, Finance, Trading, Speculation, Online Gaming, Algorithms, Still and Video Cameras, Imaging, Image quality, Image Processing and Algorithms, MPEG / H.264 Encoding and Decoding (playback), Audio (AAC / MP3), Video Output (LCD / HDMI / NTSC / PAL), Graphics, RTOS (ThreadX, Linux, VxWorks), Embedded Programming, C / C++ / Assembly, Project Management, Leadership, Asia, Japan, Multilingual, Multicultural - ratifyconstitution.com
Our Constitution was ratified (approved) by the States in order protect the people from the overreach of Federal powers over the states and the people. Our Constitution is a blueprint of checks and balances to counter the raw power of the Federal government and obstruct tyranny.